09-23-2019, 01:15 AM
ModelMaterialProduct nameForce powerSize
PA-12005MNippon Stainless SteelVertical Manual Chuck D10010000N162x86x151mm
Q1: what is the weight of this product?
A1: Vertical base is a bit heavy, the total weight for vertical manual chuck will be about 14 kg.
Q2: what is the repeatability of the vertical chuck?
A2: the repeatability of the vertical chuck is 2 micron as our standard. China Compatible EROWA ITS System
PA-12005MNippon Stainless SteelVertical Manual Chuck D10010000N162x86x151mm
Q1: what is the weight of this product?
A1: Vertical base is a bit heavy, the total weight for vertical manual chuck will be about 14 kg.
Q2: what is the repeatability of the vertical chuck?
A2: the repeatability of the vertical chuck is 2 micron as our standard. China Compatible EROWA ITS System