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Our hairstyle tips
You do your hair color  but you're not sure if you're doing the right things.
You dream of finding a pretty mane, but your hair is rather flat. You lose your hair but you don't know what to do to stop the fall and you are worried… Find the advice of our expert Dr. Azoulay, dermatologist specializing in the scalp. He explains the causes of hair loss and shares his tips with you.
Hair loss: who is affected?
FA: what are the types of women affected by hair loss?
Dr. Azoulay: Like men, women can have genetic hair loss, that is to say androgenetic alopecia. This cause is a minority and it differs from that of men by its later and more diffuse onset.
The majority cause of hair loss is reactive in nature real hair wigs uk, we then speak of telogenic loss:
 it concerns young women following childbirth.
 it occurs in women in premenopause or confirmed menopause.
 Finally, it affects women of all ages when there is a nutritional deficiency, a hormonal imbalance (thyroid disorders) or following heavy surgery or depression.
Hair loss: when to worry?
FA: when should a woman consult? And how do you tell the difference between seasonal hair loss and a real problem?

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